I know this site has been very quiet for a while now, but I have just been so busy – forming and making a company is hard and time-consuming and having kids is a real time suck! Anyway, this is just to say that I have a few posts and projects on the way and […]
British walker’s guide to hiking in USA
I recently relocated from London, UK, to Portland (Oregon), USA, and had no doubt that my hiking life was not over, but actually started a new chapter. After hiking for so many years, hiking the the USA shouldn’t be that hard, right? Well, after 5.5 years in the UK, I am by now a fully […]
Do you like being outdoors or just the idea of it?
If you are reading this, there is a good chance you have some connection to the outdoors – you may even call yourself an outdoors enthusiast – but are you really? Being outdoors is hard: you have the weather, the physical challenge, sleeping outside is usually a pain, you are always hungry and tired, your […]
Outdoors Father – Version USA
The last few months have been a real challenge in the Outdoors Father household as we relocated from London, UK to Portland, Oregon (USA), travelling in the UK and Israel along the way. During this time I took a long break and wrote most recently about hiking in Israel and in hot weather (last in […]
Taking a little break
If you are a regular around here, or if you have just browsed around recently, you have probably seen my post from last week about moving to the USA. As part of the move we are going on a family holiday and spending some time doing much needed R&R for a few weeks, so Outdoors Father […]
Wrapping Up 5.5 Years of Walking in Britain
Just over 5.5 years ago, in November 2010, I moved to the UK in search of a more outdoors-oriented life than what I had previously in Israel. This has been mostly successful, and I have enjoyed walking in Britain, exploring an extremely interesting island that surprised me in many ways and made me the walker […]
Learning from nomads about commitment and longing to roam
The other day I had a chance to listen to an Israeli song that I really like, a song that I have had a soft spot for ever since I was young. It is called “A Bedouin Love Song” (Shir Ahava Bedouin) and I thought I would present it here and the new insights I […]
Adventure equity and getting your spouse to agree to a long trip
Ever since I got back from my 11 day (12 nights) adventure in Scotland, walking the Cape Wrath Trail, the one question that comes up the most is, “how on earth did your wife let you go for so long?” I’m abbreviating…. but if you want a quote: A 2 week hike!!! Oh my. I’m […]
Do we really need microadventures?
If you are into the outdoors and have not heard about microadventures, you really are off grid or well into no contact with the world. In case you did miss it, the microadventure hype started in the UK with Alastair Humphreys’ book, which came out in mid 2014 and carried the same name. In the UK […]
The disabling effects of not being casual
When I decided to start cycling as my commute, I spent a few months deciding on which bike to buy; I changed my mind roughly a million times between a road bike (which would cost an arm and a leg), a touring bike (for the long run) or a simple single speed. It really took […]