Hi everyone, Mika here with an update on the wet feet situation. If you remember, I have a problem with getting wet (cold) feet when going outdoors – I absolutely hate it – which is a problem if you ever go outdoors in late autumn, winter or early spring or really any time in England! And this, in turn, is a problem for my beloved husband who wants nothing more than to share his great great love of the outdoors with his family. Therefore, we are on the search for a solution. First up: waterproof socks.
Gilad: The socks are the Rocky 11″ Gore-Tex socks; they have a thick bottom “floor” with a little stretch in the rest of the socks. Cut is very narrow (Mika has very narrow feet and it is just about right for her, no thicker socks though) and there is very little stretch there, so it must fit perfectly. I’m afraid this solution won’t be useful for any wide feet sufferers from wet feet (C and above).
A few weeks ago, we went on a lovely family day hike (lovely until the little princess decided she was totally over it, that is). It was the perfect opportunity for me to try out my new socks, since it had rained a lot in the few days preceding the hike and it was a chilly-but-not-frostbite-inducing day.
So how did they do? Well, they don’t protect against the cold. Stepping into a cold and wet puddle feels, well, cold and wet. But, my feet weren’t actually wet. Throughout the day I wasn’t sure how well they were working, although I did know it was something since my feet weren’t throbbing from the cold (already an improvement!). It took until we got home and I took them off for me to check the normal socks I had on underneath and find that they were dry. So, success, no wet feet!
A note for those keeping score: they are quite close fitting, and I can only wear thin socks under them. I guess I could size up, but I do wish I could wear thicker socks and this might help with the cold issue. However I like the fact that my feet really were dry, as opposed to another solution – neoprene socks, essentially working on the same principle as wetsuits.
So for now, these are what I will be going with. And await warmer weather on bated breath!!
Has anyone had a different experience with the Rocky socks, or know about other companies that make Gore-Tex socks?