Encouraging epic solo outdoor adventures for new fathers.
Simple, right? Well, not always.
Even for people who have a reasonable amount of experience going outdoors, and want to continue doing it despite being new (or not-so-new) parents, getting out of the house and into the wilderness can be a real challenge. A lack of time, knowledge, skills, gear or motivation can all act as obstacles that keep us stuck at home – enjoying our families but wilting from the lack of fresh air and adventure.
Outdoors Father is here to provide tools, skills, maps, gear explanations and reviews, training and motivational information that will hopefully remove (or at least lessen) those obstacles. My goal is to help busy fathers go on those solo trips. The content on this site is all stuff that I think about and use to help me overcome the challenges in getting outdoors. From skill development to specific trips in maps to general motivation and more, OF is all about facilitating the Great Solo Adventure.
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My name is Gilad, and I am a father, husband, outdoors industry professional, entrepreneur, business owner, solo thru hiker, speed backpacker and (former) long distance expedition lover. These days most of my time is spent with my family and at work, but I get outdoors as often as I can and aim to do a few epic adventures every year.
I firmly believe that anyone can, and should, get outdoors on a regular basis, but that this requires specific skills and knowledge that I am constantly working on developing.
I started Outdoors Father as an outlet and a resource I couldn’t find anywhere else – I have been an outdoors lover for most of my life and at the time I was also a brand-new father, living in one of the biggest cities in the world and struggling with how I was going to balance my need for adventure with the domestic urban bliss I found myself in. Having worked in the outdoors industry for most of my life, I was also becoming jaded with the publications, reviews, trip reports and all the other stuff that just didn’t really seem appropriate now that most of my time and money was going to my family instead of big, long, crazy outdoors pursuits.
Over time the site has evolved a bit, but ultimately I want to provide a piece of internet that talks about:
- Ultrapacking – as I find myself with more and more constraints on my time, I have found myself looking for something that falls between ultra-running, adventure racing and long-distance hiking (but all without the competitive edge) and this is the term I have come up with that I think best describes what I do.
- Adventures – ones I plan for, go on and am interested in
- Reviews – I will only ever review gear that I actually use, and will never have sponsored posts
- Skills – navigation, training, survival and whatever else I think might be relevant to me or anyone in similar situations
- And any other odd or random thoughts I come up with that I feel like sharing!
A quick note about what is NOT on the site:
- Advertisements
- Sponsored reviews and posts
- Short and irrelevant posts for the sake of it
- Links and posts about my other ventures
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