Ever since I got back from my 11 day (12 nights) adventure in Scotland, walking the Cape Wrath Trail, the one question that comes up the most is, “how on earth did your wife let you go for so long?” I’m abbreviating…. but if you want a quote: A 2 week hike!!! Oh my. I’m […]
What inspires me to go outdoors
Staying at home is great, it really is – you are mostly comfortable, you have company, entertainment, food as you like, water that doesn’t need filtering, you can sit/lay/rest as you wish and many other great things. Yet for some reason we still go outside, to the cold/hot weather, the bugs, the sweat, the wet […]
Dealing with solo weekend guilt
There is a real problem in being torn between two worlds, between the family/home world and the outdoors. It is almost like having a demanding mistress but knowing the demand exists only in your head. I guess this guilt exists with any hobby or personal activity that takes us away from home; but there is […]